Download free json to csv converter library for windows 10 pro 64bit

Json to csv converter library

I'm trying to convert JSON into CSV format using C# but haven't found a working example. In my project there is Newtonsoft.Json.dll library but when trying to use it and looked CodeProjects article it didn't work.

So, I think that somebody somewhere has discovered how to convert JSON into CSV using C# so I would be pleased to get information how to do it.

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1. How is your question related to Azure websites?

If this question is specific to, you can post your question in the forum. Here is a link:

I also found a discussion on the similar issue:

Syed Irfan Hussain

They doesn't seem to work.

using NewtonSoft.JSON and it's

XmlDocument doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(jsonData);

but that didn't either work.

Are there any working solution in C# code in Windows Application?

I request you to post your question in the forums for better audience as this forum is for Azure webapps related questions. The experts should be able to answer your question better.

Syed Irfan Hussain

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