The Society of Petroleum Engineers
Thermal conversion factors measure the equivalent heating content of various fuels in British Thermal Units (Btus). In the U.S., common practice is to use the gross or upper end of the range of heat content values for a specific product. In Europe, net or lower end heat content rates are typically used. The difference is the amount of energy that is consumed to vaporize the water created during the combustion process. This difference is typically 2 to 10%, depending on the specific fuel and its hydrogen content. Some fuels, such as unseasoned wood, can be more than 40% different in their gross and net heat content rates. [Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration] Conversion tables included:
- Volume
- Mass/Weight
- Length
- Area
- Energy
- Approximate Heat Content of Petroleum Products
- Million Btu (MMBtu) per Barrel
Approximate Heat Content of Petroleum Products Million Btu (MMBtu) per Barrel
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