Animated GIF Maker
Make animated GIFs from video files, Youtube, or video websites
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What can I do with this gif maker?
You can make high quality animated GIF images online for free, with simple and powerful customization options.
What sources can I make gifs from?
You can:
Can I save my GIFs online?
Yes! Just make sure that you are logged into an Imgflip account, and all GIFs you create will be saved. You can also download your GIFs and keep them private if you want, just remember to check the "private" box.
Which video formats can I upload?
Some of the popular supported video formats are flv, avi, mov, mp4, mpg, mpeg, wmv, 3gp, asf, swf, ogg, h264, rm. But there are hundreds more.
Why can't I use a video larger than 35MB?
Imgflip Pro lets you use videos up to 200MB! If you're only using a few seconds of a really long video, you can try to find a shorter version, or just use a computer program to chop up the video.
How can I make my GIFs higher quality?
Make sure the video resolution is 480P or higher for any videos you upload. This is the Youtube format imgflip uses most, and gifs will generally look great up to a width of 640px when using 480p video. Framerate (FPS) is also very important - a high framerate (above 15 FPS) will make sure your GIF plays smoothly. Imgflip Pro will allow you to create even higher quality GIFs by raising the limits on various settings.
Why is my GIF's timing not accurate?
Most of the time, this is caused by an old or weird video format. Some video formats don't allow image frames to be extracted as accurately. The best way to fix this is to find a better video source. On youtube, videos with high quality options will give better results.
Why is my gif just a still frame and not animating?
This can happen if you selected a small portion of the video such that only one frame was used. It can also happen if you're using internet explorer: the gif itself works fine, the browser just doesn't play it.
Why is there an "" watermark on my GIFs.
The Imgflip watermark helps other people see where the GIF was created. We really don't want your GIFs to look bad though, so we made it as small as possible while still being readable, and it will not even show up on tiny GIFs. You can disable the watermark completely with a Pro account, if you really need to have watermark-free images.
Why does my GIF not animate on Facebook?
Facebook will sometimes decide to animate gifs, and sometimes not. For best chances, make sure the width and height of your gif are both larger than 200px, since Facebook tends to not animate small gifs. Sometimes you have to click share, then exit out of the window, and then click share again.
Something not working? Do you have suggestions to make the gif maker better? send feedback!